Wednesday’s are our busiest day of the week. We leave the house at 7:00am for work and we get home between 10:15 and 10:30pm. But even though it is a really long day for us, the last event of the day is worth it. After AWANA, we meet my two sisters (Dani and Lori) and their husbands at my Grandpa’s house for Brownies. We always walk into the house and smell the warm chocolaty sweetness of Brownies. My Grandpa Vandervort makes the brownies and he has tested and perfect the best brownies from a box. It’s so much fun when he finds a new brand of brownie mix and we HAVE TO compare which one is better. Though it’s a tough job everyone steps of to the plate and eats two brownies.

It’s a lot of fun to sit around and hear how each others week is going or bounce different ideas off each or ask each other for advice. Last night, Jon (my brother-in-law) was giving me some crash course information on HTML for my blog site. In the previous post, I had a lot of problems with the pictures. I think I posted and re-posted over 15 times. Hopefully, I will be able to insert pictures without so much trouble in the future.
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