Little Red Riding hood and the Woodsman who saved her and her grandmother
Popeye and Olive
The year Chris and I did Popeye and Olive, we won 1st prize.
Cow Girl
Our schedule was really busy today.
After this I will probably fold the laundry, iron clothes for tomorrow, double check the menu for tomorrow’s dinner maybe squeeze time in for reading a bit and then go to bed.
So there’s a little bit about Monday, October 15, 2007.
Over the weekend, my Mom told us about this personality ID survey which she had taken. We kept asking her all kinds of questions about it and eventually she said "Just get on the computer and do it yourself." So several of us did. So after Chris Hagen and my Chris took the survey they siad I should. I think these surveys are really interesting. It's amazing how you can assign a number to a bunch of characteristics which then summarize your main behaviors. Though I am intrigued by these surveys, I hate taking them. I can never decide if I'm more detailed than commanding or more loyal than detailed. These surveys aren't supposed to take very much time, but I always start out focused and then get bogged down by what they mean by tough-minded and what does that have to do with meticulous, convincing and kind?
Well, I finally made it through the survey and it said that I am a "deep thinker" and all of my numbers came back within the "mid-range". It was definitely interesting and alot of fun to see how the survey turned out for different family members. If you would like to give it a try, the survey is through Career Direct Online which is "a revolutionary assessment system that combines biblical principles of stewardship of talents with cutting-edge career guidance technology." Career Direct is somehow related to Crown Financial, but I couldn't figure out exactlt how. Have Fun!