I thought I would take my camera with me to AWANA tonight and take some pictures. I am responsible for the Girls Red color line which consists of 3rd - 6th graders. Last night during game time with played several combinations of relay games. First, we run several sets of 3 (3 clubbers once around) then we ran a few sets of 6 (6 clubbers once around). After that we only ran 2 sets of 3 backwards (3 clubbers run backwards once around). Our game leader is always hesitant to run this set, because he is afraid one of the clubbers will fall backwards and hit their head. Then we ran piggy back relays. Yes, that’s right, clubbers team up with older or bigger clubbers giving younger or smaller clubbers piggy back rides around the game circle. During this game the guy leaders on the Boys circle thought they should get a chance at this. So, the last race of the night the leaders participated and raced around the game circle with a clubber on their back. It is always fun with us leaders get to participate in the games. I think the clubbers really enjoy seeing us out there playing and messing up just as much as them and the other leaders who don’t participate get a good laugh at seeing us run around.
After game time, we had to our rooms for handbook time. I am the leader for the 4th grade girls and last night we were short one leader, so it was pretty crazy trying to listen to 5 girls in 20 minutes. All of my girls are doing really well this year. Our goal is for the clubbers to complete 3 sections per week. So far this year, we have been one girl short of having the whole class complete 3 sections each week.

Last night, I told the girls that if everyone in the room said at least 3 sections next week, I would declare it double buck night. As you can imagine that got a lot of attention. Hopefully next week I will be able to post a picture of our class with all their bucks.
Back to the beginning . . .
As you can tell, I was pretty busy last night, so I only remembered to take a picture once. Oh well! I think this second picture really shows how fast paced the evening is. :)
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